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The IronMind Book of Quotes: Inspirational Quotes for Winners (eBook)

What is The IronMan Mind?

“An IronMind is a human mind that is so powerful that the person who possesses it can achieve extraordinary results in their personal, vocational, and spiritual lives. Those people at the top of their fields are often found to contain the key elements of this unstoppable mind. The Ironman Mind was named after athletes who successfully complete the 140.6-mile triathlon called the Ironman. The IronMan Mind contains ten elements that combine to create powerful skills and abilities that allow individuals to conquer extraordinary challenges.”

It doesn’t matter what field or vocation you are engaged in life. If you want to be outstanding and unstoppable, you’ll focus on the ten elements described in this book. Each element has a definition and each element is supported by quotes from people that possess this unstoppable mind. 

This book is for anyone who enjoys quotations for inspiration or motivation!

Enjoy…become inspired…and create your own unstoppable success!


About Rich Greene

Dr. Greene’s experience spans more than 30 years as a corporate sales executive across many different industries. He’s an author, a business coach, and entrepreneur, a 7-time Ironman triathlete, and an ultra-distance competitive ocean swimmer. His sales acceleration training system has been highlighted on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and many other outlets. 

Dr. Greene has been a featured speaker and worked with companies like Oracle, JP Morgan Chase, Hewlett Packard, Cisco, Coca-Cola, Nestle Foods, The Mayo Clinic, and has coached 1:1 with many of their executives.

As a researcher in the field of human potential and University Business Professor, he’s studied success factors of those that are the top in their industries, and developed systems that professionals use to create unparalleled success in their careers and in their lives. His biggest breakthrough in discovering “the success formula” came from his work as a Masters Swim Coach, training triathletes to prepare for their races. He discovered that these athletes had a unique way of thinking about success and their mindset was so powerful that it enabled them to face extreme challenges, and succeed where most other people would fail.

Dr. Greene was able to capture this unique mind ability and incorporated it into an elite executive training program called The IronMind. Applied properly, IronMind techniques can transform your mind into a powerful tool that combined with the right skill sets, can make your success in business or your personal life unstoppable.

Rich resides in Sacramento, California with his amazing wife and two daughters.

To Contact Rich Greene
Email: [email protected]